Request for Quote

Custom Quotes in a Heartbeat

We understand that every client has unique need for training and product selection. We offer customized training and product solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Let’s get started.

How to Request a Quote

Step 1

Complete the quote request form with as much detail as possible. This will help us understand your needs and provide an accurate quote.

The following information will help us to best assist you:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Mailing Address
  • Company/Organization (if applicable)
  • Course Interest
  • Number of Participants
  • How you found out about Ready Rescuer trainings
  • Any comments that you have

Step 2

Once you have filled out the form, review your details to ensure accuracy. Then, submit the form/email.

Step 3

Once you submit your request, our team will review your details and provide a tailored quote. You can expect to receive a response within 24 hours, ensuring you get the information you need promptly to plan your training session. If you don’t hear from us within this time frame, please don’t hesitate to email us again to ensure your request is processed as quickly as possible. Your satisfaction and timely planning are our top priorities.

Request for Quote Form

Fill out our easy-to-use form to request a personalized quote for your training needs. Click the button below to get started.

Email Request for Quote

Email us at to request a personalized quote for your training needs. Click the button below to get started.

Need help? Let's talk...

It can be difficult finding the right emergency care training you need, that is why we are making it easy for you!

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